Mortgage Cadence website

As a Senior Copywriter at c|change, a B2B marketing agency, I led the branding, voice, and UX writing for the relaunched and rebranded Mortgage Cadence website.

  • Write, design, and build the new website for Mortgage Cadence to help launch their new product, the Mortgage Cadence Platform, as well as inform current and potential customers about their full product line of mortgage services.

  • Too much information on the homepage alone was causing confusion.

    Navigating the website was difficult; no clear user flow.

    Different users (consumer, retail, wholesale, and correspondent) didn’t know where to look for their specific information.

    Differentiation from competitors in the mortgage loan origination space was lacking.

  • Mortgage Cadence was launching their new Mortgage Cadence Platform (MCP) and wanted to launch a new logo, brand, and website along with the product announcement.

    Step 1: Working in tandem with our interactive designer, I first helped create a new site map for the website.

    Step 2: I used previous audits of the website my agency had completed a year prior (before I worked there), to understand what website information was being visited and engaged with most frequently, what visitors were looking for when on the website, and which information the Mortgage Cadence team wanted to highlight.

    Step 3: Once the interactive designer and I finished the site map, I began writing the homepage of the website and would then use that page to inform all of the interior pages’ content and design.

    Compared to the previous version of the website, I arranged the content on the homepage to start with a marquee featuring the new Mortgage Cadence Platform along with a button to learn more. This marquee would then be followed with a block of additional information about the platform, and what makes it different from competitors, helping visitors to quickly and easily see what they would be getting with MCP and why they should select it as their mortgage loan origination system.

    Step 4: As two pain points with the previous site were too much information and a lack of differentiation from competitors, I wrote all of the copy using an approachable, clear and concise tone, and deliberately included informational indicators in the eyebrows above the headers that would tell a complete story about Mortgage Cadence and their products.

    Since the launch of the new website in October 2021, traffic has been up and the client has received multiple compliments on how great their new site is and how easy it is to use now.


The previous Mortgage Cadence website

The original Mortgage Cadence website homepage felt cumbersome and difficult to navigate. It was also extremely heavy on the copy, yet didn’t explain the product well up front.


Hot Dogs with Andy podcast


Photo and Social Media guides